OCR: body The second part is of Content-Type application/ pem with the default (and unspecified) text/plain encoding with the default charset =us-ascii option. It contains the actual PEM headersThis is slightly outdated and is not conformant with threutuMIME drafi standad the curent MIME-PEM Interaction I-D nor the planned MacMIME pmposal. future version will be made conf formant with the mfinalized versions of the applicable standals and poposals. Howeverbackwad compatibility with the curnt version will be maintained as far as daation/ verifeation fles encypted/signed with this version 9.0 Differences from RIPEM v1.0 With few exceptions, RIPEM Mac is compatible with Mark Riordan's RIPEM v1.0 The exceptions are noted below: The MIC -CLEAR (Sign Plaintext) compatibility problem notedartion 10.0 ...